

Online JSON Viewer

Online JSON Viewer

This is useful if you spend a lot of time comparing JSON objects. I wanted to have a way I could store them temporarily without having to create a bunch of files on my desktop. It's also an excuse to practice automation. I created a full CI/CD pipeline with automatic review apps from Pull Requests that are unit and end-to-end tested with Jest and Cypress.

ReactReact RouterReduxRedux SagasTypeScriptSemantic UIEmotionJestCypressWebpackBabelGoogle AnalyticsGitLab CIHerokuNetlifyPrettierESLintLint StagedCommitizen
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Habits Tracker

Habits Tracker

I use it to track my habits (good and bad). This way I know how well I'm doing. I wanted to learn Firebase. This is still in early development.

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Character AI Mockup

Character AI Mockup

Practicing recreating an arbitrary design with basic functionality in less than 10 hours.

ReactTypeScriptViteCSS Modules
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